HTML etsetewtststs

BA (Hons) CGI and Visual Effects
Specialism – 3d Character Artist
Will's journey into his final major project (FMP) has followed his keen ambition to work in industry as a character artist.  Initially, his project aimed to develop a digital double, but through extensive research and Pre-Production exercises, he decided to focus on a more manageable and refined goal: creating highly detailed likeness sculpts.
The project's primary objective was to advance skills in sculpting and texturing using Zbrush and Xgen. During the pre-production phase, Will divided the project into three mini projects: Skin Displacement, Skin Texturing, and Xgen Hair. These exercises allowed him to identify strengths and areas needing improvement, guiding his decision to concentrate on sculpting detailed and accurate likenesses of real people. This shift from a digital double to a likeness sculpt has allowed him to continue what has been an incredible few years at Solent, and build on his already excellent Zbrush skills (and yes, he's a dab hand with a Graphics tablet!).
Inspired by artists like Hossein Diba, Will's main focus was in developing lifelike sculpts, in particular of actor, Andrew Lincoln, pushing personal boundaries in skill and technique. The project aims to produce one highly detailed model, emphasizing sculpting and detailing to achieve a quality finish. This ambitious yet focused project showcases his ability to blend technical proficiency with artistic vision, paving the way for future professional opportunities. The following examples of his artwork reflect these elements beautifully so please do check out some of his work below.
The beard was created in the same way as the rest of the fibermesh hair, though different tools had been used. The new tools used were the ‘spiral’ and ‘turbulence’ tool which were created for fibermesh hair, these tools helped to create the curvature that was previously difficult when creating the eyebrows. After more subtle changes to the hair and face the model was then rendered again to a somewhat complete state as it was nearing the deadline, these renders were then taken into review for rushes, where new feedback was given.
"The Previsualisation will be conducted using Kim Taeyeon as reference which will be sculpted to the likeness and also experiment with various hairstyles she has had in the past."
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