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BA (Hons) CGI/ Film Visual Effects/ Digital Arts Top up
Specialism – VFX Artist / Compositing
The shots were created to tell the story of a special woman who misses her mother. To connect with her feelings, this woman goes back to a place that brings good memories of when her mother was still around. Her physical differences (antennas in the forehead) made her feel isolated from the rest of society due to the fear of being excluded.
The woman who lost her mother is wearing green clothes due to the meaning this colour carries, which is also connected to the fact that this woman is looking for a memorable place to re-establish her emotions.

"To try to replicate how the industry works the decision was taken to use ACES colour space along the project (Figure 24). ACES is a colour management workflow containing colour spaces and transforms that allow their management (Brejon 2020). This workflow allows everyone to have the same standards by preserving de qualities of colour, consistency, and artistic intent (Perez 2021)"
“During the shoot different takes were done for each shot, and a slate was used to distinguish each of them. Additionally, information such as type of camera, model, settings used for each shot, lens, and focal lens was collected.”
(Above) Filming and Production
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