What happens when you 3D scan students?
We had a great time with Clear Angle Ltd at Shepperton Studios. We scanned in some students and then had a play.

When standing on the scanning stage, you get 3 seconds of paparazzi-style camera flashes going off while up to 400+ photos are taken from 166 hi-spec DSLR cameras. Then a really powerful computer has a think and comes up with this.

When standing on the scanning stage, you get 3 seconds of paparazzi-style camera flashes going off while up to 400+ photos are taken from 166 hi-spec DSLR cameras. Then a really powerful computer has a think and comes up with this.
The finished model is made from 10 million polygons with an 8k texture map. We reduced this to a mere 1 million with a 2k texture and uploaded them to SketchFab. See below (but don't forget to scroll down further for the rest of the story)...
This is going to entertain me all afternoon! Thank you! (Simon)
See more embeds on our SketchFab site here:
While it is great to have a 3D version of yourself - who wouldn't want that! - it is not the end of the story...
Using Adobe's Mixamo, a website that automatically rigs and animates your 3D character models, we made some animations too. We downloaded them, put them in 3ds Max and rendered with Arnold.
Here are the animations Melissa chose. (Watch this space for more updates!) Enjoy...
(Above) Walking like a Zombie ...
(above) and bellydancing ...